The Reaper In RedThe Wounded Crow of Golmore

The Story So Far

Born Váli Golmarr; he was brought into the world 254 years ago, going through a relatively normal upbringing as far as Vieran males go.--ShadeboundWhen he came of age, he was taken from the village by one of the older men, trained to protect his village and keep outsiders as far away from the wood as possible. He was trained in an ancient fighting style known to Eorzeans as "Reaper", but to his Kin, the style was known colloquially as "Shadebound:". The training was hard, with Miki seeing everything horrible that could happen to him short of his own demise. Eventually, he emerged from the ancient temple that the elders used to train the men of the village, scarred physically, emotionally...but sane.--LoveSome 100 years ago, he met his beloved, Mjrn. The two met on one of his many trips back and forth to the village to get medicines. Their romance was as a whirlwind, with the two becoming inseparable as time went along. Eventually, they wished to conceive a child but, alas...despite their repeated attempts, no fruit was born of their couplings. For a time...this was fine. The two grew closer and closer, being bonded to one another underneath the moonlight. Mjrn's soft giggles at her mates repeated attempts to make his own salves and balms and his hearty laughter at her attempt to lift his scythes echoing throughout the village.--The LeavingFinally...the day came where they conceived, and Mjrn revealed to Miki that she was with child. Miki was elated to have a child with a woman that he loved so dearly but in the back of his mind, he did not want to risk never seeing them again once they became of age.In hushed whispers the two resolved to leave the village, to set out on their own paths. The wails of the village women and children echoed through The Wood that day, as the two left, Golmarr village losing not only one of its best shamans, but a staunch protector of the wood as well.Miki set out to make a name for himself in Kugane and Doma, earning his title over the short few months he was there of "The Reaper in Red". He worked tirelessly to save up the money he needed to not only provide his beloved Mjrn with the home she deserved, but to keep her well, as her pregnancy was wrought with a myriad of complications. Eventually, he managed to scrimp and save enough gil to purchase passage to Eorzea post-calamity, an old Doman pirate being their guide into this new, strange world.--LossFinally, one evening, Mjrn grew pale and went into labor, Miki trying his best to assist her in delivering their baby boy. He called through the night for a midwife, a healer, someone to help her but to no avail. After thier dear son Shunsuke was born, not but a couple of hours later, Mjrn left the world. A life for a life.Miki did his best to raise his son, naming him after that pirate that helped them come to Eorzea, puchasing a modest home back in Shirogane, and investing the remainder of his money in an old, boarded-up funeral home in the Mist district of Limsa Lominsa.He called this place the Verdant Sanctuary, calling back to his former home amongst the wood, though he could no longer hear the trees that he had named the funeral home after.Eventually, he managed to teach himself how to operate magitek, building himself a modest workshop in the basement of his business, using it to provide certain "people" with weaponry capable of fighting back against the Garlean empire. With time and patience, he began to work himself to the bone, constructing additional rooms and chambers in the funeral home to give those who have no place to go a home.--Shadowbringers Through EndwalkerAfter fighting with a Garlean Gabriel-Type pilot and losing, his arm was mangled to a bloody pulp. With the assistance of his few contacts, and through much self-preservation and grit, he now has a magitek left-arm, equipped with all manner of useful gadgets and gizmos, but mostly an Aether battery.Now, with the conflict in Bozja at its end, he has quietly begun to go back to his work as a funeral director, trying to provide for not only his son, but all who come through his doors.

dossier !

name ---- Miki Zephyrus.gender ---- Cis Male.age ---- 254.nationality----Golmorran.Occupation--Mortician, Blade for HireKnown Aliases:
"Reaper In Red", "Wounded Crow"

appearance and fun facts !

Hair: Snow White
Eyes: Mismatched Red and Blue
Skin: Chestnut? Idk, he's brown i guess.
Miki is not, as others would so commonly believe, a Reaper. All his life, he has been referred to as "Shadebound" Though there are quite a number of shared traits between his fighting style and the Garlean martial art, his is markedly different in that his "pact" with the "Shade", as he calls it, is more of a fostered relationship, and less of a contract.Distinguishing Features: Eyes in a partially enshrouded state during times of duress, lust, or bloodthirst, Left arm is completely magitek. Hair is incredibly over-grown and thick. Generally seen smoking a cigarette of an unknown (muscmaloi) substance.Spoken Languages: Golmorran Dialect of the Vieran Language, Hingan, Common(Eorzean), and ESL (Eorzean Sign Language)


The Man with the Magitek Arm — An arm made of black steel, with small glowing golden veins running along it. He keeps it covered for the most part, but perhaps you have run into him performing maintenence, or even managed to see a hint of it between his gloves and his coat.Shiny Piece of Metal — Miki's a veteran of the Bozjan war who was awarded a medal for bravery, and for being gravely injured on the battlefield. Maybe your character was also there?The Scent of Death — A funeral director by trade, He carries the sick-sweet scent of funerary incenses, and is frequently seen along the roads driving a covered chocobo carriage.Lingua Mortuorum — Possessed of the ability to speak to the recently departed or, via a strong aetherial bond to a possession, the not so recent.Mjrn — His beloved, the name of the shadow that always stays behind him, flickering, moving.A New Life, A New Name — Are you on the run? A refugee, or a fugitve perhaps? Who better to help you establish a new identity than someone who can fake your demise.

rules of engagement !

PLAYER — You can call me Miki, I'm 28 and use he/they pronounsREQUIRED — Be an adult of Relatively sound mind. Don't be a weirdo, I guess?DISCLAIMER — Hi I have Borderline Personality Disorder and am mildly autistic, so there are things that I can't always read properly and may ask you for more context!SEARCHING — RP contacts including friends both IC and OOC!THEMES — I like writing romance, as well as darker themes as well. It's hard to list here because I have a hard time thinking about such things out of the moment.MARE SYNCHRONOS: Avaliable on request!Discord: Also available on Request